
Jack Nicholson’s Joker in Batman (1989)

Romero had owned the small screen 21 years prior, but Jack commanded the big one. For many (like myself) this was their first chance to see a live action Batman, and The Joker immediately became the greatest on-screen villain since Darth Vader.

1980's Flashback Cinema

1989 Flashback: Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

Pure entertainment doesn’t necessitate the “how” or the “why;” it just requires a willing ignorance… or embrace of our own dumbness as viewers. With regards to Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure I’m more than happy to glorify my own dumbness if it means I can still feel childlike enjoyment while watching movies.

1980's Flashback Cinema

1989 Flashback: Skin Deep

The movie still has something worthwhile to say about alcoholism. It’s just buried a little bit deeper than you would have liked. Blake Edwards has attempted to delve into the unrepentant mind of the alcoholic through a haze of farce and bleak humor all while serving up a puerile and unlikable anti-hero.