#16. Inquisition (1978)
Nature of Shame:
Lacking some Naschy-directed vehicles on my moviewatching resume. Unwatched Mondo Macabro Inquisition Blu-ray release.
Hooptober Challenge Checklist:
Decade: 1970’s
Anniversary: 40th
This one features very little wind-up. I had a stack of unwatched Cinema Shame / Hooptober movies sitting by the television and rather than overthinking anything I grabbed the one on top. While we’re on the subject of “choice,” let’s discuss why it takes cinephiles longer to choose the appropriate movie for the moment than it does to watch the movie itself. I’ve wasted perfectly good moviewatching blocks because I’ve been crippled by choice. Why? What’s gone wrong with our wiring that we would allow this to happen? Repeatedly.
Despite what you may think, the decision-making process about what movie to watch is very unsexy — and it has quite a lot in common with the torture in this retelling of the Spanish Inquisition than you might think.
Inquisition Elevator Pitch
Witch-finder General falls in love with village beauty, only uh-oh! she’s actually sold her soul to the devil for reals and not fake like these other phony witches that the guy slaughters on a daily basis.
In the Bloody Torture Chamber of Inquisitorial Delights
Paul Naschy’s directorial debut, Inquisition, features, predictably, exploitative scenes of torture. Many of which seem merely lecherous — some, however, turn quite disturbing. Leering camerawork, excellent production values and a distinct concern for the mechanics of torture.
The narrative doesn’t bother with frivolity. Religious zealotry, supernatural elements, nudity, Satan and Death! Naschy’s Inquisition, at the very least, renders female sexuality as the great threat to the patriarchy represented by the witchfinder general and the church. Some of these ladies just want to experience some sexy times and not be a witch, okay? “Witch!” says the patriarchy.
The period piece, set in 16th century France during the French Inquisition, features Paul Naschy playing witch-finder general Bernard de Fossey. Fossey travels to towns suffering from the plague and finds women he believes to be Satan’s earthbound minions. He questions them, tortures them and then burns them. As you do.
This continues until he meets a woman named Catherine (the beguiling Daniela Giordano) and starts to have tingly feelings — yet a man in Bernard’s position cannot be distracted by the siren’s call. In order to prove his allegiance to the church he becomes determined to find the source of the plague and figure out why his nether regions tingle.
No One Expects the French Inquisition
Obligatory Monty Python reference has no relevance. Though Paul Naschy plays three roles — that of witchfinder, Satan and Death — and when he pops up for the third time, you can’t help but say “For the trifecta!”

So We Did Expect the Inquisition?
For the most part, Inquisition plays it by the numbers, but it does ultimately subvert expectations by calling into question the existence of the supernatural within the scope of the film. So many women had been tortured and burned without legitimate cause that when Inquisition reveals the true nature of Daniela Giordano’s Catherine, only then does the movie offer an actual protagonist.
The twist comes in the form of viewer identification. Until Catherine reveals her motives, the movie has presented us villains and victims. And finally we have a badass legitimate witch working directly for Satan. So, yay, Satan?
This only works because Naschy has given us sufficient reason to believe in Bernard’s partial humanity. He’s a monster — no doubt — but in his relationship with Catherine (who’s been sent seduce and condemn the man killing Satan’s servants) he’s shown the capacity for emotion. Even this moderate amount of humanity provides necessary depth the character, rendering his fate part tragedy.
Final Inquisition Thoughts
A solid film — even if it leans a little too heavily on naked bodies in the throws of torture. Mondo Macabro’s Blu-ray release of Paul Naschy’s Inquisition looks gorgeous. There’s grain and detail and color and how could they possibly make a 40-year-old Inquisition look so good? Bonus features on the disc also provide plenty of backstory on the film and dive into the methodology of Paul Naschy, one of the most notorious of Spain’s exploitation filmmakers. #SpoilerAlert: he’s actually quite thoughtful and intelligent.
Inquisition won’t interest everyone, but it’s a meticulously constructed period piece with a few shocking moments of intensity. Genre fans should definitely seek out the Mondo Macabro Blu-ray.
Inquisition Rating:
I just said it, but it bears repeating. This release from Mondo Macabro looks perfect. Though they’re doing the Lord’s work when it comes to restoring and releasing obscure European cinema — Paul Naschy’s Inquisition might just be label’s biggest achievement.
If you appreciate a witch-hunt film, you can’t go wrong. If you can just enjoy the merits of film restoration, by all means. There’s so much to like about this particular release that it eclipses the movie itself — which is already worth a watch.
Buy it on Amazon. You can also buy it directly from Mondo Macabro where I’m sure you’ll find a few other titles to delight you as well.
2018 @CinemaShame / Hooptober Progress
#1. Deep Rising (1998)
#2. The Mist (2007)
#3. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (1948)
#4. Abbott and Costello Meet the Invisible Man (1951)
#5. Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy (1955)
#6. Maniac Cop (1988)
#7. Nightbreed (1990)
#8. The Hound of the Baskervilles (1959)
#9. In the Castle of Bloody Desires (1968)
#10. Chopping Mall (1986)
#11. The Kiss of the Vampire (1963)
#12. The Legend of Hell House (1973)
#13. Messiah of Evil (1973)
#14. Possession (1981)
#15. Blood Diner (1987)
#16. Inquisition (1978)
James David Patrick is a writer. He’s written just about everything at some point or another. Add this nonsense to the list. Follow his blog at www.thirtyhertzrumble.com and find him on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.