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Today Was a Good Day

Today I lived Ice Cube’s “It Was a Good Day”.

…except you can substitute the part about not spotting any carjackers for the Verizon guy actually showing up before noon to install a cable box in the guest room and the part about getting paged by Kim (because she can f@$# all night) for the USPS guy delivering the replacement lamp for my 60″ Sony in time to fix my TV for the Penguins’ game tonight.

Today, however, failed to live up to “It Was a Good Day” because I don’t know anyone named $hort Dog (kind of a bummer) and even if I did, MTV doesn’t air Yo! MTV Raps anymore so no chance of stumbling across that.

Where we pretty much go even-Stephen (no substitutions necessary): Nobody I know got killed in South Central L.A. Or Mt. Lebanon, PA, for that matter. Also no “berry” flashing his lights in my rear-view. Though I did witness one ripping off tickets for four cars on a cross street that had exceeded their two-hour limit  (between the hours of 10am and 4pm).

That said, I got to say it was a good day.

By jdp

Pittsburgh-based freelance writer, movie watcher and vinyl crate digger. I've interviewed Tom Hanks and James Bond and it was all downhill from there.

Today Was a Good Day

by jdp time to read: 1 min