Cinema Only on DVD

A Hollywood Anti-Trust Primer & The Lawless Digital Frontier: Only On DVD Part 3

I don’t want to suggest that theaters will be shuttered by next Tuesday. The big studios still need theaters, at least for now, but the future’s a little muddier. As consumer behavior shifts and the current trends continue, fewer and fewer movies will appear in theaters. Anything other than the largest tentpole blockbusters or Oscar-seekers could opt instead for streaming premieres.

Cinema Only on DVD

The Release Window and Significant Shrinkage: Only on DVD Part 2

As much as we look at films as an artistic product of the creative filmmaking process – they have and forever will be a big business run by moneymen

Cinema Summer of 1989

The Cinematic Magic of Baseball and The Necessity of Revisionism

No sport aligns with the magic of cinema quite like baseball.