30Hz Recommended Music

30Hz Top 100 Songs of 2015: Part 1

Friends don’t let friends create year end “Best of” music lists. It’s not good for your health. It’s an endeavor riddled with self doubt and soul searching that no one should be forced to endure. Even upon completion, the victory is Pyrrhic. You finish just to be done. You finish so you can stop scanning […]


TCM Discoveries Blogathon: Slither (1973)

 TCM Discoveries Blogathon – Slither (1973) (Thanks to Nitrate Diva for the tremendous blogathon idea and apologies for forgetting to post my bl-g on time!) For many moviegoers the discovery of a new favorite movie makes for an immediate, impromptu holiday-type celebration. How often can one admit a new viewing into the hallowed halls of […]


New and 30Hz Recommended Netflix Streaming Movies

As of January 1st, Netflix booted a bunch of old classics from the streaming roster. The Great Train Robbery, The Long Goodbye, A Shot in the Dark. Old ones out. New ones in. I’ve surveyed the list of newcomers and can happily report that there’s plenty of new goodness to keep you entertained.