
PREMIUM RUSH: a 30Hz Commentary

So I watched Premium Rush again last night and I had some thoughts…

Premium Rush

Time for a rant.

We’ve become so jaded and serious in moviewatching and moviemaking. Movies like PREMIUM RUSH are breath of fresh f’ing air because they aim to make pure entertainment without pandering to the lowest common denominator. Premium Rush is implausible cheese of the highest order ripped straight out of the Hackers, late 80’s/early-90’s mode of filmmaking (which was in turn largely derived from B-movies of the Golden Era of filmmaking) . I’ve encouraged many people to watch this movie. Most have come back with backhanded compliments that often begin with “It was dumb, but…” But is Premium Rush dumb? Or has writer/director David Koepp calculated perfectly the visceral pleasure of watching JGL go head-to-head with Michael Shannon (doing his best Christoper Walken impersonation) at 40mph? How often do filmmakers succeed at low(ish) budget, thrills-a-minute B-pictures? #1: They don’t get made because they have no chance of being big hits. #2. They’re generally not treated or handled with respect by the filmmakers for the potential entertainment value.

The phrase “pure entertainment” has been given a bad name by the summer blockbusters. Money/effects/big-name actors do not mean entertainment. The third Transformers film cost $195 million. $195 million. PREMIUM RUSH cost $35 million. How much money did Premium Rush’s studio spend on marketing the film. Did anyone actually see a trailer or a TV spot? I remember one or two at best. I went because of the very positive review in the New York Times by Manohla Dargis, a reviewer whose opinion I shall forever respect for giving Premium Rush the time of day. She concludes her review with the following line that does justice to the nature of this brand of filmmaking:

“Working from a loose, casually funny script he wrote with John Kamps, Mr. Koepp has found the right balance here between genre seriousness and un-self-seriousness to turn the disposable into the enjoyable.”

B-pictures (when B-pictures were a real entity until the end of the 1950’s) by their nature were considered disposable entertainment tacked onto a big-name film for a theatrical double-feature. They were low-budget commercial motion pictures that were not arthouse (or pornographic to be more precise). The filmmakers who directed B-movies relished the opportunity to make a movie for pure entertainment value with the meager budget they were given. It was their livelihood and many thrived on the fringe of Hollywood. But as the industry evolved to worship the spectacle film, the art of the B-movie slowly disappeared. B-movies just became synonymous with failed big-budget enterprises. In the process of marginalizing, I feel like we (as a collective moviegoing public) have also lost some of our ability to simply enjoy entertainment. We’re skeptical of a movie that doesn’t aim to make $100 million dollars or win an Academy Award. If it aims for neither, it must just be a bad movie the studio wants swept under the rug as quickly and quietly as possible.

And there’s something inherently wrong with that. It means we’re as much at fault for the dearth of creativity in modern filmmaking as the studios. Movies like PREMIUM RUSH fail to find an audience but GROWN UPS 2 and GI JOE: RETALIATION make more than $120 million each at the box office.

So I’m going to keep telling people to watch PREMIUM RUSH because I don’t think people really truly go to the movies to watch derivative, lifeless spectacles. I think people want to see these movies but they’ve been brainwashed into believing that dumb can’t also be fun… and that pleasure has to be “guilty.” Just enjoy watching movies again, goddammit. It’s really not that complicated.

30Hz Bl-g Life @ 30Hz

The “Green Smoothie” – a 30Hz Recipe

That’s right. I said recipe.

I was in the middle of writing my OCTOPUSSY essay for #Bond_age_ and needed a break. And I figured what better way to break from writing about Bond than to clutter this page with more nonsense. Off the top of my head I had nothing music-related to share so I figured I might branch out a bit into the realm of food. Food blogging is all the rage. And then I figured everyone food blogs, but does anyone food bl-g? I thought not.

As parents my wife and I have struggled with how to get green vegetables into our daughters without tying them down and force feeding them with a tube. If you’re thinking foie gras, you’re on the same page. Our oldest ate vegetables of all kinds for good awhile, unforced and unprovoked, and then one morning realized that in the world of 4yo cuisine she was totally off-base. More than likely when she went to pre-school someone told her about these things called Happy Meals and now she’s on strike. And since the 1yo just imitates the 4yo, she was going to join the picket line sooner or later.

We’re in our third summer of receiving weekly boxes from our local CSA (community supported agriculture). In these boxes we always receive many many many leafy green vegetables. Our response to the tidal wave of greens is to sautee them in olive oil and garlic. This only works for so long. And Kale, in particular, had always been a curiosity. We knew people loved Kale and we were supposed to eat kale. But damn if we weren’t yet on board the Kale parade. One night my wife decided to look up “green smoothie” recipes. We call these smoothies “green” because calling them “kale smoothies” tips off the little people. If they’re just “green,” they’re a color. Not a vegetable. My wife spent a week just throwing green things in a blender with only a rudimentary memory of the recipes she’d read. This came to a head one morning when I came downstairs for breakfast and she handed me a green smoothie. I tasted it and felt like I’d gotten kicked in the testicles. “Dandelion greens,” she said. After that, I took the matter into my own hands. And by that I mean I spent way too much time searching for and assembling a tasting menu of smoothies containing green things. Not vegetables. Again, we have to refrain from tipping off the little people.

The result of my recipe search and my own tinkering is the following culinary delight. Proof: the 4yo even once asked for a refill. And the 1yo will really just drink anything in liquid form, so she’s not exactly a good gauge.


green kale smoothie

Put the following in the blender (liquids at the bottom):

1/2 cup lite coconut milk
1/2 cup water
1 banana
6oz (1 container) Trader Joe’s Vanilla Cultured Coconut Milk (or 6-10oz of vanilla Greek yogurt)
1 1/2-2 cups frozen pineapple (fresh is also good, but I find the smoothies taste better when colder, hence the frozen pineapple)
roughly 2 cups chopped, stemmed Kale (I say chopped but I just tear the leaves off the stems, then tear again by hand)

Turn the blender on low for awhile and then high for a longer while. You want the kale to be sufficiently pulverized. There’s something off-putting about large bits of kale stuck in your teeth during breakfast. Also when we first started these smoothies, we were told to use the leafy kale rather than the curly. But we found that the curly blended better than the leafy. But you know, whatever floats your boat. Likewise with the yogurt. The cultured coconut milk adds some extra sweetness but the Greek yogurt obviously provides more of nutritional balance, because, well, the cultured coconut milk isn’t really yogurt. I don’t recommend the plain yogurt in smoothies for little people as they seem to require that small hint of sweetness that comes in the vanilla.


30Hz Recommended Music

Top 10 Records of 2013… so far.

I’d like to call bullshit on half of 2013 already being over, but the calendar says July 8th and since I have a complete inability to keep track of days, months, years, and whatnot, I’m going to have to believe what all of my electronics are preaching. The iPhone does not tell a lie, although Siri is a conniving little bitch…

If you’re looking for new music, I’m going to dispense some suggestions for 2013 Records of the Year (to date). If you haven’t heard these artists, first seek them out, give them a listen and then come back and berate me on any number of contestable faults such as (but not limited to) hipsterism, zeitgeisterism or prosaic assimilation to the alt-music institution. Without any more blabber, the 30Hz Top 10 Records of 2013 (to date).

10. Daughn Gibson – Me Moan

9. Run the Jewels – Run the Jewels

8. Jon Hopkins – Immunity

7. Daft Punk – Random Access Memories

6. James Blake – Overgrown

5. Tegan and Sara – Heartthrob

4. Autre Ne Veut – Anxiety

3. Savages – Silence Yourself

2. Vondelpark – Seabed

1. Vampire Weekend – Modern Vampires of the City