
The Shriek of the Devil Bat

For my #31DaysOfHorror movie for today I watched Bela Lugosi in THE DEVIL BAT. The shriek of the Devil Bat so moved me, I was compelled to isolate the shriek and create my very own Devil Bat ring tone for the Halloween season. Yes. This is called procrasternation.

For my #31DaysOfHorror movie for today I watched Bela Lugosi in THE DEVIL BAT. The shriek of the Devil Bat so moved me, I was compelled to isolate the shriek and create my very own Devil Bat ring tone for the Halloween season. Yes. This is called procrasternation.

Here’s the full movie, available on YouTube. It’s fun purely because of the Devil Bat effects. Its a rubber bat on a wire. SPOILER ALERT!

And here’s the Devil Bat ring tone:

Devil Bat Ring Tone

By jdp

Pittsburgh-based freelance writer, movie watcher and vinyl crate digger. I've interviewed Tom Hanks and James Bond and it was all downhill from there.

The Shriek of the Devil Bat

by jdp time to read: <1 min